Collecting your mail is a simple task that doesn’t incur any further charges to your virtual office package. If you are coming to pick up your mail in NYC “just give us a call” or “send us a text” and the mail will be ready when you get here. The Virtual Offices of NYC mail staff is available for you to call and check on the mail. Our staff is regularly available from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm excluding holidays.

Virtual Office Locations in NYC

We have two and both are prestigious addresses for any small or expanding company. They are located directly across from the world-renowned Empire State Building and Grand Central Station midtown location. Schedule a time to come by for a presentation or customer service by calling 877-943-2774.

You will find the prestigious lobby at 347 5th Avenue to be more than a great first impression for you. The 420 Lexington Avenue is near the famous Grand Central Station.

Picking Up Your Mail 

Access to both facilities is distinguished and simple to navigate. Trains are available to reach us from all over the city and out of the city as well. 

Please call first and ensure we have all your mail and packages waiting for you upon arrival. Our staff would love to be prepared for your arrival just in case you need a quick turnaround to return to your business.

Mail Delivery Options

Our mail services in NYC create the opportunity for you to receive mail for your company anywhere in the world. The first is Standard Mail Scan which scans your mail and emails a file to you. Each file contains the “fronts of envelopes” you were sent. Giving you a clear view of all the information on the front of the mail. The second is Premium Mail Scan which does the same things as Standard Plus sending the first page of each envelope’s contents. 

Lastly, sending the mail by our Mail Forwarding Services could be a good fit for you. we gather your mail and send it to you at pre-determined times weekly or monthly.  

Virtual Offices of NYC provides a business address, mail, and phone answering services for small to large companies.

We’ve been in business since 2010 and our BBB Accredited Business A+ Rating is a testament to our success.


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